Our Current Sermon Series:
A Vision for Life
In the Ten Commandments we gain a deeper understanding of the moral law which reveals to us God’s love and redemptive purposes.
Previous Sermon Series
The Gospel of Luke helps us grow as disciples of Jesus by offering a comprehensive vision of what it means to follow him.
God reveals his love for the world in the incarnation, when Jesus breaks into the everyday, mundane chaos of life.
An exploration of our core values. As we commit to abide in the vine of Christ - his church - God bears fruit in our lives.
Through a human kingdom, God lays the groundwork for a Messianic vision of the coming King who fulfills our deepest longings.
Holiness is the aim of our Christian life as we anticipate eternal life with God in a kingdom saturated with His presence.
Made in the image of a generous God, generosity is a key piece of our identity.
Celebrating the birth of Christ by abiding in the Scripture that gave rise to our favorite carols.
As we commit to abide in the vine of Christ - his church - God bears fruit in our lives.
Through a human kingdom, God lays the groundwork for a Messianic vision of the coming King who would fulfill our deepest longings.
We ground ourselves in the historical practices of the church as we remember the death and resurrection of our Lord.
Experiencing God’s renewal requires a fresh imagination for the church.
Experiencing God’s renewal requires a fresh imagination for the church.
We long for the Lord and celebrate the fulfillment of God’s promises.
Experiencing God’s renewal requires a fresh imagination for the church.
Experiencing God’s renewal requires a fresh imagination for the church.
How can the church be a place of healing and justice amidst so much cultural division?
How can the church be a place of healing and justice amidst so much cultural division?
What if we moved into deeper waters of faith and lived from a proper grounding of heavenly wisdom?
What does it mean to follow Jesus and what difference does it make for our life?
Summer Series
Hear perspectives from diverse voices around our community.
Sabbath Rest
Jesus tells us, “Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest.”
It Takes a Parish
We want to be a church that sees children as God sees children.
The Book of Jonah
A Lenten series reflecting on our heart and God’s mission.
Extended Family
Look to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to understand our life together.