The Acts of the Apostles: Witness to Jerusalem
Experiencing God’s renewal requires a fresh imagination for the church.
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Sermons in this Series
No Other Name
October 9, 2022
Acts 4:1-31
Place yourself in the shoes of the temple leadership. Why do you imagine they felt so threatened by Peter’s message?
Compare the emotional reality between the temple leaders and the disciples. How does this inform what’s happening in your own heart?
Where in your life do you need to pray the prayer of these early believers, “Lord, look at their threats, and grant to your servants to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus?”
With & Against the Spirit
October 16, 2022
Acts 4:32-37
How would you describe your relationship with money and possessions?
The story of Ananias and Sapphira is mysterious. What’s your take on what’s happening here?
How does God’s indwelling Spirit reorient our relationship to assets? How is God calling you to join with his Spirit this week in the use of your possessions?
Power & Persecution
October 23, 2022
Acts 5:12-42
How have you seen the church undermine the gospel, perhaps even through the persecution of the faithful? Why did this occur?
According to John of the Cross, an appetite for things that rival God has the capacity to deprive us of God’s Spirit and leave us weary, tormented, darkened, defined, and weakened. How could this be happening in your life right now?
Read the passage again and note the movement of God. How does this reality give you hope for your own faith and the future of the church?
Tables & Word
October 30, 2022
Acts 6:1-7
Reflect on a time when you felt like an ‘insider’ or an ‘outsider.’ How does this experience help you understand the struggle among the widows of the early church?
How does the selection of “the seven” help us understand God’s vision for justice and healing?
Why do you think Luke included this story in his account for Theophilus?
Stephen & Jesus
November 13, 2022
Acts 7:17-36
In Christ, we recognize that Portland is not true home. How does this posture expand our ability to love and serve the city?
Why was the story of Moses important for Stephen in his response to the high priest?
As a sojourner, Moses recognized God’s providence, embraced discomfort, and was grounded in holiness. Of these three, how is God speaking to you about your own sojourning?